The healthcare sector is improving efficiencies due to the surge in usage of robotics and AI in medical processes and other operations

 Autonomous Mobile robots are becoming increasingly popular across different business sectors as they are used to assist work processes and even accomplish tasks that are impossible or dangerous for humans. Due to their advanced technological systems, mobile robots can be used for/as material handling robots, surveillance, planetary exploration, patrolling, emergency and rescue operations, reconnaissance, petrochemical applications, industrial automation, construction, entertainment, as museum guides, for personal services and intervention in extreme environment, transportation, medical care as well as many other industrial and non-industrial applications.

Hence, mobile robots is one of the fastest-expanding fields of scientific research. And now, more than ever, the Coronavirus crisis has highlighted the way we can optimise the use of mobile robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to successfully fight any pandemic. Given the highly infectious nature of the Coronavirus and therefore the consequential need for social distancing, companies, both large and little , have realised that robots can provide contact-free alternatives to healthcare workers. Hospitals are devising ways to use robots to minimise the presence of healthcare staff in the Covid-care facilities. Hence, an outsized number of hospitals across the world are currently using robots for rendering services like automated testing, supporting public safety and structure , decontaminating hospitals and public spaces, ensuring delivery services, maintaining patient database and diagnosing diseases.

Multi-purpose robots also are used for temperature checking, as dispensers, for patient registration entry, delivering medication, food then on.The aim is to quickly deploy telehealth technology during the present outbreak to allow for curbside screening of patients as enabling remote screening will reduce the contact time between patients and frontline healthcare workers, who are critical in the fight against the pandemic.

Applications of mobile robots are playing a serious role in laboratory diagnostics services, too. However, aside from automation of laboratory and testing services, robots also can automate manual operations that are labour-intensive, time-consuming and repetitive so as to scale back the burden on frontline healthcare workers. They can play a crucial role in high-tech applications, too, like performing complex surgeries just like the latest Elon Musk’s Neuralink chip implantation surgery, other neuro surgeries, cutting bones and so on.

AI is transforming our lifestyles by mimicking human intelligence for solving various issues. With technological advancement, AI is getting increasingly sophisticated at doing what humans do, but more efficiently, rapidly and at a lower cost. AI in healthcare provides an upper hand undoubtedly over traditional analysing and clinical decision-making techniques.

A few of the roles played by AI during the pandemic relate to early warnings and alerts, prediction and detection of outbreak of diseases, real-time disease monitoring worldwide, analysis and visualisation of spreading trends, prediction of infection rate and infection trend, rapid decision-making to identify effective treatments, study and analysis of the pathogens and drug discovery. During this time, AI diagnostic tools are used to distinguish COVID-19 from other types of pneumonia within seconds by analysing the patients’ chest CT scan images.

Newer models hold great potential to relieve the pressure of frontline radiologists, improve early diagnosis, isolation and treatment, and thus contribute to the control of the epidemic. Medical robotics are often considered because the application of robotics technology to healthcare to diagnose and treat diseases, or to correct, restore or modify a body function or a part . With the assistance of medical robotics, surgeons can perform operations more precisely and during a less invasive way. Surgical robotics segment dominated the medical robotics market in terms of revenue in 2019 and rehabilitation robots are gaining popularity due to the rising ageing population subject to increasing physical disabilities. It is predicted that hospital and pharmacy robots will contribute around 12 per cent to the worldwide medical robotics market by 2025.

Addverb Technologies on of the best robotics company in India having intention to shift the horizons of work by pioneering human robot collaboration to tarnsform lives. Addverbs material handling robots travels on natural navigation and 2 stage obstacle prevention make the enviornment more safer. To know about more types of mobile robot visit our blog page :


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